Ten Stats About Home Security You Should Know
When you’re trying to find out about something, one of the best resources to rely on is statistics. Numbers rarely lie, which means that a good set of statistics can give you some of the best insights into any subject you’re researching.
Home security is no different, as there are stats everyone should keep in mind when determining their own susceptibility to burglary and how much security their property needs.
These statistics can tell you a story about home security and how to best prepare your home to receive a potential home invader.
Here are ten stats about home security you should know:
- On average, industry numbers reveal there are about 2.5 million burglaries occurring every year in the U.S. Of those burglaries, 66% are home break-ins.
- On the other hand, this number is actually lower than ever before. The FBI reports that burglaries in the U.S. have dropped by 37% since 2008, despite populist fears of rising crime rates.
- When surveyed, only 12% of burglars admitted to planning a home invasion in advance. Instead of careful planning, nearly half of burglars interviewed said they generally struck a house on a whim if the moment seemed right, with no prep work at all.
- According to police records on burglaries, a home invasion generally lasts less than 10 minutes, on average. Some can be especially rapid, with some recorded in a mere 90 seconds. These smash and grab jobs tend to go for easy to find, easy to pocket valuables and the like.
- Despite their utility, home security systems are less common than one might hope: only 17 percent of homes in the U.S. have a security system. This is true despite burglars reporting they are three times more likely to target a home without a security system.
- No matter the image of the professional robber or gentleman thief, the truth is far less romantic; 85 percent of home invasions are committed by amateurs looking for a quick buck.
- We think of theft as a nighttime activity, but research shows that 62 percent of burglaries happen in the day, between 6 a.m. and p.m. Burglars are looking for times the house is most likely to be empty, not when it will be filled with sleeping family members.
- Summer vacation makes you vulnerable, as burglary rates are highest during the summer. Winter had 11 percent lower burglary rates, probably because everyone stays in out of the cold.
- The most logical way into a house is via the front door, and burglars agree: 34 percent of home invaders enter that way, with another 22 percent via a back door.
- Keep it noisy, apparently, as 48 percent of burglars said they would be unlikely to target a house for robbery if they heard a noise inside. Dogs won’t cut it, though: only 34 percent of burglars said they’d avoid a house due to a barking dog.
With stats like that in mind, it shows the need for a good home security system to protect your home and property.
BlueAccess can supply you with a DIY home security kit that will fit all your security needs and keep you and your family safe.
We know. We have statistics.
Shop Our DIY Home Security Kits
BlueAccess Starter
Begin securing your home with a pet-aware motion sensor, door sensors, a central security panel, and the mobile app.
BlueAccess Pro
This package includes all the features from our Blue Security Starter, but takes security outside the home with a video doorbell.
BlueAccess Premium
Our Blue Security Premium package includes everything you need to get you home protected inside and out.