Where To Place Security Cameras for Small Businesses

Security cameras are a must for any small business wanting to emphasize greater safety and protection for their customers, employees and business in general. But a camera is only as good as where it’s pointing. It’s just as important to know WHERE to place security cameras in a small business as it is to have them in the first place.

After all, a security camera that’s pointed in a darkened corner which no one frequents isn’t going to capture much beyond the occasional dutch angle of dust bunnies, which might win you an avant garde film award with the right editing but isn’t going to improve your business security one bit.

So, then, you must ask yourself, where DO I need to place security cameras to maximize security in my business space?

Proper placement of security cameras in your small business could mean the difference between capturing a criminal and watching them walk free in the event of a robbery in your place of business.

First, you need to determine how many security cameras you’re willing to install as part of your business security system. There’s a lot of difference between having one camera and having half a dozen. Neither is wrong, but the placement of the cameras will be far different from one set-up to the other.

If you are only going to install a single camera, for instance, the most likely place to put it is in on a clear sightline of the main entrance. Most small businesses only have a single entrance for customers and ensuring the camera captures the image of each and every person who enters the building means you’ll know who was inside in the event of a robbery.

If you have a second camera to add to this set-up, the next best placement is behind the cashier’s desk, so that you can capture the image of each person who approaches the cashier and the register. Many small business robberies tend to happen at this point, meaning the camera will be situated to catch the image of whoever might attempt a crime at this juncture.


From that point, camera placement is essentially about covering the angles. Not every crime is a robbery, after all. Shoplifting is a common bane of small businesses and it’s most likely to happen in aisles farther from the register, where a stationary cashier is least likely to spot someone trying to conceal a product on their person. Cameras covering such spots, particularly if prominently placed in sight of customers, will give shoplifters pause if they think they’ll be caught stealing on video.

Every business has its own quirks and odd spots that might need camera coverage for certain reasons, so no basic guide can tell you exactly where to put every single camera for maximum security coverage.

But these guidelines can give you a great start to getting as much camera coverage of your business as possible to try and ensure your business is protected in case of crime.

BlueAccess and its DIY security kits can provide such camera coverage, as much as you may need, so give them a call today.


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