Home Automation: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think
So, you’re convinced of the benefits and conveniences of home automation, yet you’re still reluctant to finally bite the bullet. You’re worried about how difficult it will be to install, manage and maintain. Well, there’s good news. Home automation is not nearly as difficult as you might think.
They may call it smart home technology, but you don’t have to be smarter than the average bear to quickly grasp what home automation can do for your home and how to use it.
Home automation is far simpler then you might dread and far easier to use than you could dare to hope.
Home automation seems like it has a lot of moving parts, and there are elements that must be put in place to give you the full reach you’d like. But much of those pieces are simple things. Such as, outlets that connect appliances to the central network or wireless devices that connect windows and doors to your smart home’s growing influence.
There’s often little more than inserting an extra plug into the wall outlet involved, no screwdrivers or hammers needed.
And once you’ve got all your components in place – video doorbell, smart outlets connected to your various appliances and light fixtures, smart thermostat to control the temperature, etc. – it’s all simple to control them from one single location.
Your home security panel will automatically connect to each component, adding it to your smart home network. It’s a simple matter from there to download the accompanying app that will allow your smartphone to communicate with the panel as well and, therefore, gain access and control to each and every part of your smart home.
Once the app is loaded and in place, your smart home is easily accessible at any time from anywhere.
Coming home from a late night out? Flick the porch light on to welcome you in.

Going on vacation and realized you forgot to raise the thermostat while you’re gone? Change the temperature from your phone while you’re at the airport, no trip home necessary. And while you’re at it, flick the lock on that one door you always forget about and make sure the windows are shut and locked, too.
When you’re heading home, you can change the temperature back while you’re still on the way so it’ll be nice and comfortable again when you walk in the door.
These are just some the things you can easily do. You can turn on kitchen appliances from the couch, turn the lights on and off without getting up and much more.
Home automation isn’t just simpler than you expect, it’s basically easy.
Don’t fret about installation either. With a DIY home security kit from BlueAccess, installation is a breeze, without need for professional help or endless wiring. You’ll be up in a snap, and you can keep adding on more components from the BlueAccess library of smart home accessories whenever you want.
Home automation is within your grasp. Don’t let fears of complexity keep it out of reach. Try it today and discover just how easy it can be.
Shop Our DIY Home Security Kits
BlueAccess Starter

Begin securing your home with a pet-aware motion sensor, door sensors, a central security panel, and the mobile app.
BlueAccess Pro

This package includes all the features from our Blue Security Starter, but takes security outside the home with a video doorbell.
BlueAccess Premium

Our Blue Security Premium package includes everything you need to get you home protected inside and out.