How does Home Security Monitoring Work?
It sounds good in the brochure, sure, but you might start wondering after a moment’s reflection: how does home security monitoring work?
You might wonder if it means anything at all, or if it’s just hollow sales copy. Or maybe your concerns go in another direction. Perhaps you’re afraid by including home security monitoring in your alarm system package, you’re unintentionally allowing strangers to spy on you. What was meant to protect you is instead ensnaring you in a shadowy cabal’s sinister surveillance schemes.
Well, you’ll be happy to note that neither of those worst case scenarios has any truth to it. (BlueAccess cannot be held legally responsible for any other conspiracies you may be involved in, including but not limited to the Freemasons, Illuminati, or any secret government plans you may have stumbled into in a very 1970s political thriller way. Please seek professinal help if such an event should occur. We hear the A-Team might still be available.)
In fact, home security monitoring is a vital part of your home safety protection plan and one of the most effective things you can do to keep your house secure.
But still, you wonder, how does it work? Are you under constant observation? Are there lapses in the protection?
It’s quite simple, really. When your home security system is armed, it activates a series of possible trigger sensors for various incidents that could occur. For instance, if a window is broken by a thief, the burglar alarm is set off and will sound. On the other hand, if your smoke detector is set off by smoke, then the fire system is activated, instead.

This matters, as the system that is triggered will not only sound the audible alarm in your home, but also send a digital signal to a professional monitoring center. There, they can determine the cause of the alarm, contact the homeowner if possible (you should also receive an alert to the alarm via whichever smartphone you have registered with the system) and, if necessary, contact the proper emergency service.
That’s why the signals are important; you don’t want to send the police first if the house is on fire, nor send an ambulance if a burglar is inside the house. The quicker the proper resources arrive on scene, whether law enforcement, emergency services or medical care, the better any incident can be property resolved for everyone involved in the best possible manner.
Until the system is triggered, it remains quietly active but visibly dormant, listening for any disturbances but never actively watching. No one at the monitoring center is pulling up your doorbell camera footage unprompted to watch your street’s happenings like a free soap opera.
With home security monitoring in place, you can consider your home safer than ever.
BlueAccess offers 24/7home security monitoirng options with every one of its DIY home security kits, making such protection to every one of its customers.
And you can feel especially secure knowing exactly how your home security monitoring service actually works.
Shop Our DIY Home Security Kits
BlueAccess Starter

Begin securing your home with a pet-aware motion sensor, door sensors, a central security panel, and the mobile app.
BlueAccess Pro

This package includes all the features from our Blue Security Starter, but takes security outside the home with a video doorbell.
BlueAccess Premium

Our Blue Security Premium package includes everything you need to get you home protected inside and out.