How Effective are Home Security Systems?

You’re thinking about installing a home security system in your newly acquired home, but as you think about what that might entail, you start to have doubts and wonder, how effective ARE home security systems?

After all, according to the National Council for Home Safety and Security, the industry trade association for security companies, only about 17 percent of homes had security systems at all when recorded in 2017. That number has swelled in recent years as new options have proliferated, but far more people in the nation do NOT have systems than DO.


You likely grew up without a system in your home, or at least knew many people who didn’t have one, yet never experienced a break-in. So how necessary could they be?

Then again, you hear about a friend who’s home was burglarized when he was out of town on vacation and lost nearly everything of value in the home. It wasn’t just the pain and inconvenience of losing TVs, jewelry and other valuables that lingered after the incident.

It was the annoyance of having to deal with insurance to replace everything; it was the cost of repairing damage or covering expenses insurance couldn’t; it was the sheer feeling of violation from having strangers enter the home and take things that were considered safe.

With such thoughts in mind, it’s easy to come to the conclusion that a home security system is quite necessary indeed.

Of course, a home security system can’t guarantee such a thing won’t happen. A variety of factors lead to burglaries and even the best protected home could be hit, regardless.

But studies show a home security system is definitely a deterrent for many would-be thieves.

The National Council for Home Safety and Security – yes, them again – states that homes without alarms or other home security measures are about three times as likely to be targeted by burglars as a home with an alarm.

Other studies have shown that burglars are likely to seek other targets when they see a house has security cameras or other theft deterrent devices around the house. Nearly half of home invaders are likely to flee if they break in and hear an alarm go off and another third would leave before even hearing the alarm if they saw a system was installed.

It’s clear: home security systems deter burglars.

With stats like that in mind, a home security system seems like a no-brainer. And if you’re still wondering if a home security system is worth it, just look at the options and convenience offered by BlueAccess, which can provide you with a DIY home security kit, along with 24/7 home monitoring, at quite reasonable rates.


A home security system IS worth it. The safety, security and peace of mind it can offer is invaluable, but with a good system, you won’t have to pay for that much value as you’re clearly getting. Find out how much with BlueAccess today.

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BlueAccess makes home security and home automation simple and affordable for any homeowner. With no contracts and easy self-installation, you can start protecting your family today.


Shop Our DIY Home Security Kits


BlueAccess Starter


Begin securing your home with a pet-aware motion sensor, door sensors, a central security panel, and the mobile app.


BlueAccess Pro


This package includes all the features from our Blue Security Starter, but takes security outside the home with a video doorbell.


BlueAccess Premium

home security system bundle BlueAccess Pro

Our Blue Security Premium package includes everything you need to get you home protected inside and out. 

Customize your system further with these add-ons

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