What to do when your home is broken into while you are there
You’re lying in bed, counting sheep or perhaps dreaming that recurring nightmare where you showed up to school but forgot to put on pants, when suddenly your spouse is nudging you awake to a muffled sound and telling you, “I think there’s somebody in the home.”
What do you do? Somehow they failed to cover “burglar confrontation” in the new homeowner’s kit. Do you grab a fireplace poker (do you even have a fireplace in your bedroom?) and go searching for the intruder? Do you pull out a pistol, if you have one, from your gun safe and try to Rambo your way through the situation? Or do you determine discretion is the better part of valor and head for the hills?
If a burglary is in progress in your home, while you’re still in the home, our team at BlueAccess can offer several suggestions
Confrontation is not one of them. Unless you have training in high tension situations, bringing a weapon of any sort, but particularly a firearm, can escalate a situation greatly and end with someone getting hurt — and it might be you.
- The safest thing to do is get out of the house and call the police. Much like homeowners should have a safe place to gather outside in case of fire, a similar line of planning in case of home invasion can do wonders should such a situation occur.
- Take care moving through the house, avoid the burglar and get outside, only then calling for law enforcement.

Unfortunately, these solutions aren’t always possible. Perhaps you’re on the second floor and all the exits are downstairs, where the burglar is prowling. You might get out through a window, but jumping out of a second-story room isn’t particularly safer than running into a thief face to face.
Perhaps the burglar will be able to see your path to the door no matter where he is. Or perhaps…, well there are a lot of possible “perhaps” here.
The important thing to note is, you might not be able to get out while the burglar is in your home
In that case, our security experts at BlueAccess advise you to barricade yourself in a room such as a closet or a bathroom and call the police. Be quiet when doing so, as you do not want to advise the burglar of what you are doing. But if done quickly, you can likely hold out in the room until help arrives.
Remember, most burglars don’t want a confrontation any more than you do. They’re looking to grab some valuables and get out without being seen at all, so they’ll most likely avoid a confrontation if you do as well.
Of course, the best way to prevent such a scenario is to prepare for such a scenario before it happens, with a home security system from BlueAccess. Our DIY home security kits can help you provide your home with the exact amount of security you need and likely keep any home invader from entering the home at all once they hear an alarm.
No one wants to encounter a home invasion, particularly when they’re in the home already. Take a moment to plan for such a situation, particularly with the help of BlueAccess, and make sure if you do encounter such a problem, you make it through safe and sound.
Shop Our DIY Home Security Kits
BlueAccess Starter

Begin securing your home with a pet-aware motion sensor, door sensors, a central security panel, and the mobile app.
BlueAccess Pro

This package includes all the features from our Blue Security Starter, but takes security outside the home with a video doorbell.
BlueAccess Premium

Our Blue Security Premium package includes everything you need to get you home protected inside and out.